A car accident can devastate your life. The pain and suffering that results from an accident-related injury will need to be treated immediately. You may need to spend months in the hospital. You will not be able to work until you get back on your feet. In the meantime, the bills will continue to pile up.
The emergency care you receive right after the accident is designed to save your life and mitigate the pain and shock of the injuries you sustain. In the case of more serious injuries, the full damage done to your body may not be known until months after the accident.
Residual Injuries
Residual injury are injuries that have a lasting or permanent effect on your health and body. Scarring, disfigurement, stiffness, and limpness are some of the most common forms of residual injury. You will not know if you have a residual injury until well after the time of the accident.
These injuries matter a great deal.
If you are permanently scarred or disfigured, your self-esteem and ability to establish life-long bonds and relationships will be altered. If your ability to walk, bend, or exert yourself physically in any way is significantly diminished owing to a residual injury, then you may be forced to give up your current livelihood and may find it difficult to find a new one.
If the residual injuries of a car accident have led to catastrophic life consequences, then you should contact a personal injury attorney. Vegas NV car accident lawyers understand the implications of residual injuries and will get you the money you deserve.
An Increase to Your Personal Injury Claim
Residual injuries increase the value of an injury claim. Vegas NV car accident lawyers know how to leverage scarring, disfigurement, and other such injuries to get you more money. Attorney Bryan Boyack of the Boyack Law Group helps ordinary Nevadans whose lives have been devastated by a reckless driver get the compensation they deserve. If you have been gravely injured in a collision, you should call Attorney Bryan Boyack of the Boyack Law Group to discuss your legal options.
Please call Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorney Bryan Boyack at the Boyack Law Group for more info on how we can help. Call now
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