When you are riding your bike in an area where you are surrounded by motor vehicles, you are at a high risk of getting injured. In the event you are involved in an accident, the driver of the vehicle will suffer no injuries. However, you will not be so lucky. In most cases, cyclists suffer broken bones, head injuries, lacerations, and other injuries that require extensive medical treatment. If you want to stay safe while riding your bike, follow these safety tips.
Wear Your Helmet
Whenever riding your bike, always wear your helmet. Since it takes only one careless driver to cause you to have a concussion or traumatic brain injury, never take this for granted. Should you be hit by a driver who was negligent while behind the wheel, turn to a bicycle accident lawyer in Nevada such as attorney Bryan Boyack for legal guidance.
Use Reflectors and Bike Lights
If you ride your bike after dark, it is extremely important to equip it with reflectors and bike lights. By doing so, you will eliminate the chance a careless driver will be able to claim they did not see you prior to the accident. In the event you are involved in a bike accident, contact the Boyack Law Group immediately.
Use Hand Signals
When making turns on your bike, always remember to use hand signals to alert nearby motorists. This, along with making eye contact, will let motorists know which way you are going prior to making a turn. However, in the event of an accident, a negligent driver may claim you failed to alert them in time. When faced with this, meet with a bicycle accident lawyer in Nevada to discuss your situation.
To make sure you gain compensation for your injuries and other damages, schedule your consultation today with attorney Bryan Boyack at the Boyack Law Group.
Please call Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorney Bryan Boyack at the Boyack Law Group for more info on how we can help. Call now
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