Many people are unsure of what to do when they are involved in an accident. It is very important that each driver follows the rules of what to do when an accident occurs to ensure that they are protected. An accident has to be reported in a certain time frame and if it is not shared with police or traffic authority, it can result in penalties for one or both drivers. In the event of an accident, you should hire the best LV accident lawyer so that you get all of the necessary information regarding what steps you need to take in this matter.
When Should An Accident Be Reported?
In the state of Nevada, an accident that has resulted in injury or more than $750 worth of damage should be reported within 10 days of its occurrence. Generally, one or both of the drivers will notify police right after the accident occurs and the officer will create a report that details the incident. This report will be sufficient for reporting purposes. Failure to report an accident within the stated time frame can result in license suspension for up to one year.
Why Should I Hire An Attorney?
After you report the accident, there are still many issues that may need to be figured out related to the incident. The biggest issue is likely proving who is at fault and will be responsible for the damage and injuries. An attorney will help you with this next step by using the facts of what happened and giving a detailed explanation of who should be held responsible. When you hire a top in NV LV auto accident lawyer, you can feel confident that you will be adequately represented in this case.
If you are in need of an accident law group to handle your auto accident case, contact Attorney Bryan Boyack for more information.
Please call Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorney Bryan Boyack at the Boyack Law Group for more info on how we can help. Call now
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