COVID-19 is a disease with many unknowns. However, many people recover from COVID-19, and it is still difficult to determine who will become seriously sick and who will get better relatively quickly. However, those that do not recover often develop long-term COVID, making it difficult to work and maintain many life tasks and activities. Thus, it really depends on whether you will qualify for disability if you have a COVID-19 or not.
If you are a resident of Las Vegas dealing with long-term COVID and have become unable to work, you may need help maintaining your current lifestyle despite having COVID-19. Las Vegas disability lawyers may help you get the financial relief you need if your illness has threatened your ability to work. The Boyack Law Group can answer questions about disability eligibility and help you get the financial assistance you need.
Las Vegas Disability Laws
Although Nevada does not have a state disability program, Las Vegas residents who become disabled can apply for federal disability. Las Vegas residents can seek disability through social security disability benefits or SSDI, or supplemental security income (SSI).
All applicants must prove that they have a disability that renders them unable to work for at least one year. Second, all applicants must prove their work history contributed to the social security system.
Disabilities in Las Vegas
Las Vegas residents can apply for short-term and long-term disabilities. Disability recipients generally receive sixty percent of the earned income before they became disabled for up to two years.
Short-term disability will provide the recipients with sixty-seven percent of their normal wage. Las Vegas residents are also eligible for long-term disability or LTD. Although Nevada does not have a state disability program, residents are still able to acquire disability compensation through the federal government.
But applicants who reside in Nevada will be subject to state approval. Residents seeking disability can benefit from the counsel of a disability attorney to determine the qualifications for SSDI.
Social Security Credits
Your work history translates into social security work credits based on your annual income from work or self-employment. Most people earn four social security work credits per year. However, it is possible to earn more or less depending on how much you work and your wages. In this case, you must have forty social security credits for approval for disability.
Self-employed people who file income taxes are also eligible for work credits and the social security department calculates the work credits of the self-employed as well. However, calculating self-employment may be different from the calculation of conventional work in the social security department.
COVID-19 and Disability?
Sick patients who suffer from long-term COVID or long COVID can receive disability under sections 504 and 1557 of the Americans Disability Act. If COVID restricts one or more substantial life activities, there is a declaration for a disability.
COVID is still a relatively new disease and a lot is still unknown. However, if you have been suffering from COVID for an extended period, it is possible to receive disability compensation. COVID-19 has proven to be a severe illness for some, causing some people to lose their jobs and their ability to perform other important life functions.
A Las Vegas disability attorney can help by assisting with the application process or completing the application on your behalf. They can also help you to collect evidence and medical records that support your claim. An attorney can accompany you to meetings or conferences with social security officials.
Our team at the Boyack Law Group commits to helping COVID-19 patients to secure financial help through disability. If you have questions or need help — call us now!
Please call Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorney Bryan Boyack at the Boyack Law Group for more info on how we can help. Call now
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